Villa Mankani

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Villa Mankani is a luxurious retreat nestled in the heart of a serene coastal paradise, offering an exclusive and tranquil escape for discerning travelers. This exquisite villa combines modern elegance with traditional charm, providing an idyllic setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Embulambe, Dambulla 21100  |  +94770498823

Villa Mankani
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Villa Mankani
Save 2,200 LKR

10% Off on your Stay

Villa Mankani
Save 2,200 LKR

10% Off on your Stay

    Villa Mankani

    Embulambe, Dambulla 21100  |  +94770498823

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    Most coupons are valid till December 31st of each year, unless otherwise mentioned on the coupon T&C.

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    Plans are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.

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    Vendors and coupons will be most likely renewed for each year, but it is not a guarantee. Please choose your plans accordingly.