Nabs Bridals

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Nabs Bridals is a bridal boutique that specializes in providing a wide range of bridal and wedding-related services.

153/14 Hospital Road Kalubowila Dehiwala  |  +94779493332

Nabs Bridals
Spas & Salons
Save 2,500 LKR

Buy 1 straightening and get 1 condition treatment free

Nabs Bridals
Spas & Salons
Save 2,000 LKR

Buy 1 party makeover and get hijab / saree draping free

Nabs Bridals
Spas & Salons
Save 10,000 LKR

Buy 1 bridal package and get 1 Mehndi makeover free

    Nabs Bridals

    153/14 Hospital Road Kalubowila Dehiwala  |  +94779493332

    Coupon validity

    Most coupons are valid till December 31st of each year, unless otherwise mentioned on the coupon T&C.

    Plan validity

    Plans are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.

    Also note:

    Vendors and coupons will be most likely renewed for each year, but it is not a guarantee. Please choose your plans accordingly.