Monkey Bean Cafe
Monkeybean Cafe's cozy interior and excellent coffee selection make it great for both unwinding and gearing up for work.
16, Sellamuttu Avanue, Col 03 | +94115883552
Save 800 LKR
Buy a Cappuccino get one free
Save 500 LKR
Bill above 2500 get 20% off
Save 900 LKR
Buy a burger, get a Lemonade free
Monkey Bean Café
16, Sellamuttu Avanue, Colombo 03 | +94115883552
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Most coupons are valid till December 31st of each year, unless otherwise mentioned on the coupon T&C.
Plan validity
Plans are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.
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Vendors and coupons will be most likely renewed for each year, but it is not a guarantee. Please choose your plans accordingly.