Cafe Kinross - Col 3

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Foodies rejoice, because you're in for a world of flavor at Café Kinross. Visit them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner (and especially their amazing pizza selection)!

Greentel Head office No 445, Galle road Colombo 03  |  +94771618527

Cafe Kinross - Col 3
Save 400 LKR

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Cafe Kinross - Col 3
Save 790 LKR

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Cafe Kinross - Col 3
Save 680 LKR

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Cafe Kinross - Col 3
Save 2,200 LKR

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Only applied to Margarita/ White garlic mushroom and herbs/ Carbonara pizza

    Cafe Kinross - Col 3

    No 445, Galle road Colombo 03  |  +94771618527

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    Most coupons are valid till December 31st of each year, unless otherwise mentioned on the coupon T&C.

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    Plans are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.

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