Bollywood Fitness with Jay

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"Bollywood fitness with Jay” commenced in 2017 is a modern method of keeping fit which includes a comprehensive dance routine which runs for a period of 60mins (one hour). In the current context there are multiple techniques which have been developed to ensure individuals are able to keep fit in consideration of their busy work schedules. “Bollywood fitness with Jay” is mainly catered to ladies who enjoy their workout with a dance routine to all Bollywood music. Dance routines are choreographed specially focusing on a full body workout which strengthens, tones, and burns fat in all the right places. In addition to the fitness workout, “Bollywood Fitness with Jay” also provides dance choreography for Mehendi Ceremonies.

Body bar 3 Jawatte Ave, Colombo 005  |  +94775707826

    Bollywood Fitness with Jay

    Body bar 3 Jawatte Ave, Colombo 00500  |  +94775707826

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    Most coupons are valid till December 31st of each year, unless otherwise mentioned on the coupon T&C.

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    Plans are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.

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