Boho Cafe
Boho Cafe in Negombo is where good food and great company come together in a breezy, beach-inspired setting that feels like an endless summer vacation.
77B Poruthota Rd, Ettukala, Negombo | +94763785873
Boho Cafe
Boho Cafe in Negombo is where good food and great company come together in a breezy, beach-inspired setting that feels like an endless summer vacation.
77B Poruthota Rd, Ettukala, Negombo | +94763785873
Save 750 LKR
15% off on food & beverage
Save 1,000 LKR
15% off on food & beverage
Save 1,250 LKR
15% off on food & beverage
77B Poruthota Rd, Ettukala, Negombo | +94763785873
Boho cafe
77B Poruthota Rd, Ettukala, Negombo | +94763785873
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Most coupons are valid till December 31st of each year, unless otherwise mentioned on the coupon T&C.
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Plans are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.
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